Monday, September 24, 2012

The Capable Politician

In this world, we see all kinds of people getting involved in politics. Husbands, Fathers, Activists, and so many more. Yes, also Wives, Mothers, and Daughters. We see all sorts of people becoming involved, but really... what marks the true capability of a politician?

We see people aiming for the top political offices in our country all of the time. Sometimes, the candidate makes it as high as Congress simply because nobody else in his district had the time or inclination to try. Other times, we see the candidate stand strong, holding fiercely to his beliefs, a pillar of strength. And then, we see politicians vie for public office just because “I can do it better!”
“I can do it better!” seems to be the main battle cry, lately. After all, if a politician tries to stand firmly on an issue, the other politician will dig for something negative within that issue. Abortion vs Pro-Life. Religious Freedoms vs Separation of Church and State. Taxes vs... well, other Taxes. Reduction of taxes is seldom promised, and even more seldom something anyone can follow through with. Bush number 1 did a pretty good job, lasting as long as he did on that issue.
“I can do it better!”
Sure. I'll stand up there, and repeal the laws that clog the system, shovel out the glut of Government Employment and Agencies that basically either don't do anything, or are just there to back-up and duplicate other agencies. At the same time, I'll push laws through that limit the government's ability to spy on our citizen's private lives. I'll push legal guarantees through Congress so that we can protect our citizen's privacy for generations to come. I'll make sure you can go to the bathroom without a federal agency watching.
Yeah. I can do it better. If I didn't have to attempt all of those things with the full might of the American Government standing against me. If I didn't have to turn into a Politician, first.
Weirdly, we have “I can do it better” people who actually are politicians. People who want to enter our nation's highest office, standing on a soapbox of “I can do it better.” This is a pretty small soapbox, people. When the opposition is standing on a soapbox of “I've been doing it already, and I'm going to protect what I've done no matter how bad it is,” the soapbox of “I can do it better!” is pretty small, indeed.
So, what is it that marks a truly capable politician, then?
Taking a stance. Taking a stance on something. Anything. Doing This, or Undoing That. Fixing what's broken. Only... don't fix, and don't undo. Instead, you're implementing a plan to improve the efficiency of the legal process and lower the overall cost of your government. You're taking a stance on personal freedoms. You'll stand between all comers, and protect the citizen's Constitutional Rights. You're the Champion of Civil Liberties. The Protector of Privacy.
And maybe you take a stand on something even more incendiary than that. But these days, taking a stand on something as basic as privacy, or civil liberties, or even our constitutional rights is pretty incendiary.
Good luck, out there.

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