Thursday, September 27, 2012

Here, Chief! Good Dog! Now: Arrest!

The small town of Vaghn, New Mexico, has an unusual problem:  The Police Department is now run by Nikka, the town's drug-sniffing dog.  That's right, since the Police Chief stepped down, the only certified police officer in the entire town is Nikka.

It's a small town, with only 737 people living in it.  There's no crime to speak of.  It's probably one of those backwater communities where people really don't bother locking their doors at night.  Even so, they do have a police department, and they try to keep one officer (the Police Chief) hired on.  The problem with this police chief is that he used to be married - in Texas - and owes thousands in delinquent child support payments.  Having failed to keep up with his child support, he's techically a criminal, and isn't allowed to carry a firearm in his duties.  Ex-chief Armijo is also under investigation for the sale of a town-owned rifle and pocketing the cash - a felony, if convicted.  He feels confident he can clear up this felony case.  Once cleared of all criminal charges, Mr. Armijo plans to run for Chief again, if nobody else has taken the job.

The only other member of the Police force in Vaughn pleaded guilty to an assault and battery case last year; he's not certified, which means he cannot carry a gun, nor place people under arrest.

Helping out in Vaughn's time of need, the local Sherrif's department helps make sure to patrol the area, but itself being short-staffed, is barely able to show a presence.

Perhaps they should just let the dog out of the kennel, equip it with a strap-on taser gun on it's head, set to go off when the dog barks loud enough.  Instead of dolphins with lasers, it's a police dog with tasers.  We've got you now, you Bond Villains!

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