Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sailing, Sailing... oh, I used that title already.

Hmm... News! The Incredible is not removed from the market - it merely has had some teething trouble getting enough of them produced at the factory! So, when it's available again, I would really recommend it. Awesome phone! I used it just yesterday, travelling to a community near St. Louis, for it's GPS Navigation. Yes, GPS Nav does tend to run the battery down, but if you know most of the route someplace in advance, and just turn it on for the last 20 or 30 minutes, it survives fairly well. My Incredible got me to the address, exactly.

And why, you may ask, did I need to go to St. Louis? For a small sailboat! I was going to get a Super Snark from a man in Columbia, but he wasn't returning my phone calls... so I changed the area I was looking at on Craigslist from Lake of the Ozarks area, to the St. Louis area, where I found an advertisement for a 15 foot sailboat. I got a better price, and I think probably a bit better of a boat, too! Yay!! I've looked up the boat online, and it's a Dolphin Sr. I'm about to step outside and epoxy a couple of minor cracks in the hull, then it should be ready to sail on the first good day that comes along. Yay again!

Yes, the sail is in good condition - I just put the sail up this morning to look it over. Very nice.

So, that's about it for today. I'll catch up with you all again soon!


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